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Join Us Sundays at 10:00 a.m. online or in person

410 Buena Vista Ave, Newcastle, CA 95658

IS THIS YOUR FIRST TIME AT NUMC? We gather with our neighbors who live, work, play, and serve in the community and we celebrate the good news about Jesus. We offer a 10:00 a.m. contemporary worship service. When we see a new face, we like to introduce ourselves and answer any questions you have about our church, our pastor, and our programs. We hope you will feel a connection and come back next week.

WHAT'S A TYPICAL SUNDAY LIKE? We sing, we pray, we listen to the messages Pastor Dave brings us of God's amazing grace and love poured out through Jesus into our hearts by His Spirit.​ We respond together in giving and communion. We receive a benediction to bless our community as we head into our week.

THEN WHAT? Follow us down the stairs for Fellowship every Sunday after the 10 a.m. service, where you will find coffee, tea, light snacks and sparkling conversation!

Notes & News

Christmas Eve Service

December 24th, 5:00pm in person and online

Please join us for an evening of song and scripture!

Loomis Basin Food Closet

Monday thru Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm. Providing food and household essentials to Placer County families in need. Food can be obtained at First United Methodist Church of Loomis, 6414 Brace Road, Loomis. Families can pick up four bags of food once a month. More information can be found on their FACEBOOK page.

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Our Vision

As part of the universal Body of Christ, the Newcastle United Methodist Church, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, seeks to grow in faith and service by:


Belonging: Welcoming all whom God sends us


Believe: Providing a variety of opportunities for people to know Christ

Become: Supporting one another in living the Christian life

Be-Sent: Sharing our gifts, resources, and the love of Jesus for the enrichment of the local and world community


If you have a pastoral need, or are looking for a place to connect and find a spiritual home, you’ve found one here. Do you have a special prayer request? Email the church and a member of our staff will reach out. 


Contact Us


410 Buena Vista Avenue

PO Box 235

Newcastle, CA 95658



Worship Services

Sunday Worship

10:00 AM

In-Person and Online

  • Facebook
  • Youtube
  • TikTok
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